Our product collection is well selected to fits all gadgets in general and video gaming in specific with taking on consideration that works best , what fit best in most importantly that fits every budgets .
All products in this selection is all tested and highly qualified to be the real vitamins for your digital world
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Razer brand in Lebanon beirut

Logitech MX900 performance keyboard and mouse

The wireless keyboard is full-sized and comfortable, with smart backlighting and customizable keys. The MX mouse features a speed-adaptive scroll wheel, a unique thumb wheel and, thanks to its Darkfield Laser sensor, it tracks anywhere, even on glass (4mm minimum thickness).
Advanced backlit typing: large, concave, laser Etched keys with illumination and Logitech perfect stroke key system for all day typing comfort
The dark field laser sensor tracks flawlessly where standard mice fail. Works with precision on glass (4mm minimum thickness) and glossy surfaces. Mouse - Battery Life 70 days. Battery Details - 500MaH, Lithium Polymer
Award-winning precision MX mouse experience featuring smart speed-adaptive scroll wheel, a unique thumbwheel, and hand sculpted shape
Connect the mouse to multiple computers with easy-switch technology. Cable length - charging cable- 1.8m
Personalized productivity: unlock the full range of possibilities and customize to your needs with Logitech options software