Our product collection is well selected to fits all gadgets in general and video gaming in specific with taking on consideration that works best , what fit best in most importantly that fits every budgets .
All products in this selection is all tested and highly qualified to be the real vitamins for your digital world
We deliver door to door and the order is a push of a button away just click order on any interesting products and one of our product speicalist will get in contact with you and offers the best that fits
We are located at Verdun Main road near to Four points Hotel
You could reach always by whatsapp on 81 979955
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Razer brand in Lebanon beirut

SAMSUNG AKG IG955 S8 Earpods with Remote and Mic

The Samsung Earphones Tuned by AKG provide an incredibly clear, authentic-sounding, and balanced output that customers have come to expect. These hybrid, canal-type earphones feature a sleek metal finish and tangle-free, fabric cable. Enjoy easy access to a range of your device’s features with the earphones in-line remote.
Wired earphones tuned by AKG
Tangle free, Fabric cable
8 millimeter and 11 millimeter speaker units for clear, balanced sound with 2 way speaker.